How to Play
The Game In Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, two players face off in an all-out battle, engaging in a Match consisting of three duels. It will take skill, practice, strategy and luck to emerge victorious from the match, as there are many factors players can manipulate to vanquish their foe. The main battles are waged between incredible monsters split into an amazing 20 types, each with their own unique skills and fighting styles. In addition, players can use magic, set traps, change the battlefield itself, and even fuse two monsters together to form a monster of immense power!
Object of the Game
The object of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME is to win a Match against your opponent.
A single Match consists of 3 Duels. Each card battle against an opponent in which a win, loss, or draw is determined is referred to as a Duel.
The player who:
- Is the first to win 2 Duels in a Match OR
- Has 1 win and 2 draws, is declared the WINNER.
If the Duel results are:
- 1 win, 1 loss and 1 draw OR
- 3 draws, the match is considered a DRAW.
Winning a Duel
The outcome of a Duel is decided according to the following Official Rules:
- Each player begins a Duel with 8000 Life Points.
- Life Points decrease as a result of damage calculation after battle.
You win a Duel if you reduce your opponents Life Points to 0. If your opponent reduces your Life Points to 0, YOU lose!
- If you and your opponent both reach 0 Life Points at the same time, the Duel is declared a DRAW.
- If either players Deck runs out of cards during a Duel, the first player unable to draw a card is declared the LOSER. Bearing this in mind, a good duelist should make every card count.
- If at any time during the Duel you hold the following cards in your hand, you instantly win the Duel:
Right Leg of the Forbidden One Left Leg of the Forbidden One Right Arm of the Forbidden One Left Arm of the Forbidden One Exodia the Forbidden One
Preparing Your Deck
This Starter Deck contains all the cards you'll need to challenge an opponent to a Duel. Following you'll find basic rules for preparing your Deck:
- The Deck used for dueling should contain a minimum of 40 cards. Aside from this minimum limit, your Deck can contain as many cards as you like.
- In addition to your dueling Deck, you can also have 15 additional cards in a separate pile known as the Side Deck. The Side Deck allows you to modify your Deck to better suit your strategy during a Match.
- Between Duels, you can exchange any card from your Side Deck with any card in your Deck - as long as you end up with the same number of cards that your Deck began the Match with.
- The Side Deck you create must contain exactly 15 cards at the beginning of a Match. In other words, if you don't have enough cards to create a 15 card Side Deck, you cannot use one at all. NOTE: This Starter Deck contains 50 cards, so you will need 5 more cards to create a Side Deck.
- In any Match, the Deck and Side Deck combined cannot contain more than 3 copies of the same card. Also, be aware of Forbidden and Limited Cards.
In accordance with the Official Rules, a Duel is conducted in the following manner:
- Before you start a Duel, greet your opponent with a friendly handshake.
- Both players shuffle their respective Decks and hand them to their opponent to shuffle (this is called Cutting the Deck). The Decks are then returned to their owners and placed face-down in their respective Deck Zones on the Duel Field.
- When using Fusion Monster Card(s), place the card(s) face-down on the Fusion Deck Zone of the Duel Field. A Fusion Deck is a card or a group of cards consisting only of Fusion Monsters formed by fusing 2 or more monsters during a Duel (Fusion Monsters). NOTE: The cards of the Fusion Deck are NOT counted in the 40 cards minimum limit of the Deck.
- Show your opponent that your Side Deck contains exactly 15 cards (the cards may be counted face-down). When your Side Deck cards are exchanged with those in your Deck, count the cards of your Side Deck with your opponent once again to verify that the Deck still contains the same number of cards.
- For the first Duel in a Match, decide who starts first with a coin toss. For subsequent Duels in the Match, the loser of the previous Duel decides who starts first.
- Finally, each player draws 5 cards from the top of their respective Decks. Once both players have 5 cards in their hand, the Duel begins, following the rules in Phases of Gameplay. Before you learn how a Yu-Gi-Oh! turn proceeds, it is important to fully understand the Duel Field and game cards. Understanding how each type of card works will help you plan strategies to ensure that you will emerge from the Match victorious!
Manners in Dueling
Remember the following codes of conduct when facing an opponent:
Always declare each move in a loud, clear voice before you execute any play.
Your opponent is entitled to know the contents of your Graveyard and the number of cards in your hand. If asked, you are obligated to answer truthfully.
Never touch an opponent's cards without asking permission.

The Decks
Starter Decks There are two Starter Decks will be available; a YUGI deck and a KAIBA deck. This card set contains the following items:
- 50 game cards, including:
Monster Cards Magic Cards Trap Cards 3 Foil Cards
- 1 Offical Rule Book
- 1 Duel Field
Object of the Game The object of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME is to win a Match against your opponent.
Cards Three main card types are used in Yu-Gi-Oh!: Monster Cards, MagicCards, and Trap Cards. Additionally, each type of card is divided into further sub-categories. For now, just read the card descriptions. After familiarizing yourself with the Phases of Gameplay (p.22 in the rulebook), you will understand the special role of each of the cards.
IMPORTANT! In all cases where the rules in this rulebook conflict with the rules on a Yu-Gi-Oh! game card, follow the rules on the card.
Monster Cards A Monster Card is the basic card used to attack your opponent. Monster Cards are categorized by Type and Attribute. There are 20 different Types and 6 different Attributes. Type and Attribute affect each monsters ability to Attack and Defend. The overall strength of a monster is indicated by its Level (the number of stars at the upper right of the Monster Card). A Monster Card is color-coded YELLOW.
Normal Monster Cards
 Types: Dragon Spellcaster Zombie Warrior Beast-Warrior Beast Winged Beast Fiend Fairy Insect Dinosaur Reptile Fish Sea Serpent Machine Thunder Aqua Pyro Rock Plant

Fusion Monster Cards
 "Fusion" means using 2 or more Monster Cards together with the Magic Card "Polymerization" to create a new monster, represented by a Fusion Monster Card. Each Fusion Monster Card also lists the monsters necessary to create it (Fusion-Material Monsters), and is further identified as "Fusion" next to its Type. The color of a Fusion Monster Card is VIOLET.

A Fusion Deck is a group of Fusion Monster Cards that result from a successful Fusion. When a Fusion is performed, Fusion Monsters are not randomly drawn, but selected from the Fusion Deck. The Fusion Deck should always be kept separate from the Deck, and placed face-down in the Fusion Deck Zone of the Duel Field. Remember that the cards of the Fusion Deck are NOT counted in the 40 card minimum limit of the Deck.
Ritual Monster Cards
 Ritual Monster Cards are an exciting twist to Yu-Gi-Oh! gameplay that will be included in future releases. Ritual Monsters Cards ARE NOT included in this Starter Deck. A Ritual Monster Card is a special monster that can be summoned onto the field only when you have a designated Ritual Magic Card and the Monster Cards required to fulfill the conditions described on the Ritual Magic Card as a Tribute, either on the field or in your hand. Ritual Monster Cards are color-coded BLUE.
NOTE: Ritual Monster Cards are included in the Deck, NOT the Fusion Deck. Therefore, they are counted in the 40 card minimum limit of the Deck.
Effect Monster Cards
 Monster Cards that possess magical effects are referred to as Effect Monster Cards. The broad range of Effects are divided into the types listed here. For details regarding the effects, refer to the instructions printed on each individual card. Effect Monster Cards are color-coded ORANGE

Monster Tokens
 Monster Tokens will come into play in future releases, and are used IN PLACE of Monster Cards. The tokens represent monsters that appear on the field as a result of a card being activated. As they are not actual cards, these monsters are not included in a Deck (Deck Construction, p. 34).
Use coins or a similar marker (as long as it can be flipped to indicate Attack Position [heads] or Defense Position [tails]) as a Monster Token. When put into play, Monster Tokens are placed on the Monster Card Zone of the Duel Field. When destroyed, Monster Tokens are simply removed from the field.
Monster Tokens count toward the 5-card Monster Card Zone limit.

Deck Construction
Once you have mastered the basic rules of Yu-Gi-Oh!, the next step is to create your own Deck. This is known as Deck Construction. The rules for constructing a Deck are simple, but it takes skill to put together a strong Deck. WeÍll also give you some hints on putting together your Deck in this section.
A. Deck Construction Rules A Deck must contain at least 40 cards. Keep in mind that Decks with too many cards mean you will have a smaller chance of drawing the cards you need, so its best to limit your cards to around 40.
You can have up to 3 duplicates of the same card in your Deck. Cards included in your Side Deck count towards this 3 duplicate limit. Also, be aware of Forbidden and Limited Cards.
B. Deck Construction Hints
I. Keep the Monster Card to Magic/Trap Card ratio at 1 : 1
The building blocks of your Deck are the Monster Cards. No matter how many powerful Magic or Trap Cards you have, no monsters on the field means you've got nothing to defend your Life Points. A general rule of thumb is that roughly half of your Deck should be made up of monsters. Therefore, if youÍve got a Deck of 40 cards, around 20 should be Monster Cards.
II. Keep The Number of High Level Monsters To A Minimum
In order to perform a Tribute Summon (required for a Level 5 or higher monster), you will have to offer monsters as a Tribute. If your Deck is filled with high-level monsters, summoning them to the field will be very costly. Instead, include lots of Level 4 or lower monsters in your Deck and keep the number of high-level monsters to a minimum.
III. Make Good Use Of Your Effect Monsters
Effect Monsters with Magic or Trap effects play an important strategic role in your Duels. You can create a powerful Deck if you take full advantage of these effects. For example, the "Hane-Hane" card forces your opponent to return one monster from the field to their hand. Using this card at the right moment could leave your opponent's Life Points wide open for an attack from a high-level monster.
IV. Include Cards That Increase Opportunities To Draw
In a Duel, the basic rule is that you can only draw 1 card during the Draw Phase. Therefore, it is strategically to your advantage to be able to draw more cards than your opponent. For example, cards like "Pot Of Greed" increase your chances of drawing vital cards from your deck.
V. How To Create Your Side Deck
In between Duels, you are allowed to use a Side Deck of 15 cards to adjust the contents of your Deck. Prepare your Side Deck with cards that help address the weaknesses in your Deck or have the power to neutralize specific cards.
Powerful Cards
The following cards will help strengthen anyone's Deck:
Raigeki Monster Reborn Dark Hole
Pot of Greed Change of Heart
C. Forbidden And Limited Cards According to the Official Rules, certain cards have specific quantity restrictions that limit the number that can be included in a Deck. These limited cards are announced at Official Tournaments, and should be taken into account when customizing your Deck.