Bakuras Ultimate Deck
With restrictions
Master Deck
Monsters x2 Blue eyes white dragon x1 Judge man x1 curse of dragon x1 gia the fierce knight x2 summoned skull x1 Gaia the dragon Champion ( I have no Polymerization card! )
x1 La jinn the mystic genie of the lamp x1 Celtic Guardian x1 Pale Beast x1 Great White x1 Koumori Dragon x1 Neo the Magic Swordsman x1 Battle Ox x1 Man-Eating Treasure Chest x1 Giant Soldier of Stone x1 Ryu-Kishin Powered x1 Mystical Elf x1 Man-Eater Bug x1 Wall of Illusion x1 The Stern Mystic x1 Mysterious Puppeteer x1 Lord of D.
Magic Cards x1 The Flute of Summoning Dragon x1 Card Destruction x1 Book of Secret Arts x1 Invigoration x1 Remove Trap x1 Dark Hole x1 Fissure x1 Change of Heart x1 De-spell x1 Monster Reborn x1 Sword of Dark Destruction x1 Soul Exchange x1 Dark Energy
Trap Cards x1 Trap Hole x1 Just Desserts x1 Reverse Trap x1 Castle Walls x1 Reinforcements
Im short on cash. Some times my hand in this deck isint a monster i can play. Like i will have some summon mosters and magic cards. I need a Polymerization card to fuse gia the fierce knite and curse of dragon. I want a Red-Eyes Black Dragon in the worst way, Its my fave. card!!! And with Metal Raider packs i could get Black Skull Dragon. My promblem is really fusing. Please help me with anything u see worng. Thanks!
~ Justin Kubicki
Hmmm, let me see. First, I'll start with your monsters. You have to broad of a range of monsters, but you seems to be focusing on your dragons. Take out your Gaia The Dragon Champion, as all he is doing is taking up space. You have 24 monsters, I would suggest if you were to make a Dragon Deck to make over half of the monsters in the decks Dragon types, and make the rest a different type, so that you can still battle against that pesky Dragon Capture Jar. Make sure you have a good portion of level 4 or below and low attack but high defence monsters in your deck, as these will come in handy later on, when trying to summon that Blue Eyes. Leave Lord of D. in thier, since he is good at bringing out 2 of those nasty Blue Eyes White Dragons. Next, we move onto your Magic cards. Get rid of the following magic cards: Book of Secret Arts, Sword of Dark Destruction, and Dark Energy. You will not need to use these cards in a Dragon Deck. Add another De-Spell and add 1 more Destroy Trap, as Dragon Capture Jar is a trap card, and if ya can't remove it, then your deck if fudged. Traps look nice as is, except add either another Trap Hole or another Castle Walls. I hope I helped you in one way or another.
- Bakura :)